
Fun Fact - Long Beard Is Actually Good For You

It is a fashion nowadays to grow a beard. And in some ways, a beard can drastically improve your looks. But your mom or dad doesn't understand that. Read the whole article and then make them understand scientifically that long beard is actually good.

This is another article in the fun fact series. You can read the previous "fun fact" articles by clicking the following link -

I'll give the health benefits of growing a beard and will try to state the reasons in brief as well. So let's get started.

Man Beard

1. Preventing infections

Beards act as protector of your skin. They can trap microorganisms and foreign particles from getting into your body. That's how beards can protect you against infections also.

Staphylococcus aureus skin

That's a pretty disgusting looking bacteria.

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2. Natural Sunscreen

Yeah, you read that right. As beards cover most of the area of your cheeks, they simultaneously also block the harmful UV rays coming from the skin. There are two types of UV rays:

First one is UVA which introduces tanning, wrinkles and other ageing symptoms to your skin. The second one is UVB which is responsible for skin cancers and to some extent - sunburns.

Growing a long and healthy beard can get you almost 90-95% protection against UV rays. See the image below. Beards work somewhat in a similar manner.

Sunscreen Effect

3. Moisturising your skin

Beards keep the natural oils produced by your body in the surface of your skin. Thus beards can protect you against cold weather, rough, dry air etc. So, grow a beard and face the winter.

Pretty interesting, isn't it?

4. Keeps your skin hydrated

There's this thing called "Hyaluronic acid" which is naturally present in the skin. Hyaluronic acid molecules can trap water molecules. When you wash your face, water molecules that get trapped in the beard can provide the hyaluronic acid molecules with water. And Hyaluronic acid:

It can keep your skin hydrated. It also acts as an anti-oxidant and thereby prevents ageing of your skin.

So next time your parents say something, you know what to say to them in reply.

You can read more fun facts by clicking the titles below -

Now, you can state the above said reasons to tell everyone, why a long beard is actually healthy. Show your support by sharing this article.

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